Summer 2017
Instructor: Sal Barone
Office: Skiles 013
Office hours: MW 12-1
e-mail: sbarone at
Web Page:
Course Title: Calculus II: Integral Calculus
Course Meeting Times:
Lecture, Howey Physics L5 11am-12pm
Recitation meeting times: A1 Jose Acevedo T R 1230 1345 Howey Physics S204 A2 Adrian Bustamante T R 1230 1345 Howey Physics N210
MyLab Course Code : barone02328
Text: Thomas', Calculus Early Transcendentals, 12th or 13th ed.
Course Information: The goal of the course is to introduce the student to the fundamental concepts of integration and infinite series, and is the second of three courses in the calculus series. We will assume the student is familiar with polynomial, trigonometric, and rational functions and their properties, as well as basic knowledge of derivatives and limits. We will cover essentially chapters 5-10 of the textbook. Homework should be completed weekly on Pearson MyLab . It is recommended that students use the Piazza discussion board to ask questions about the course, about the syllabus, or to answer the questions of other students.
Homework: Regarding the week before finals: there will be a graded homework due the week before finals and please note that this is stated in (the first line of the homework section of) the syllabus. Homework assignments will be due on Monday and Thursday at 11:59PM. Please work ahead on the homework and keep up with the pace of the lectures. All homework is due at midnight EST on the date listed on MyLab . Late homework is never accepted for any reason other than for official Georgia Tech business, such as being a student athlete, and in those cases please let me know if you are going to miss a deadline in advance whenever possible. Please note that the final graded homework assignment will be due on Monday, July 25th which is during the week before finals.
Quizzes: There will be a quiz every week except exam weeks.. The quiz does not need to be proctored but you should not use any notes or the book, and you should work on it alone. After you complete the quiz, scan it or take a picture and send it to me for grading.
Midterms: There will a midterm exam every three weeks on the following days: June 1, June 22, July 13. Each midterm is 100 points and is a 55 minute exam given during lecture. If you are taking the class online, you MUST have the exams proctored.
Final Exam: The final exam will cover all course materials and will be administered on the date assigned by the official school calendar.
Your final grade will be computed as follows:
Grading Scheme |
Count all Quizzes & Exams |
Drop lowest Quiz |
Drop lowest midterm |
Homework |
100 points |
100 points |
100 points |
Quizzes (50 pts each) |
200 points |
150 points |
200 points |
Exams (100 pts each) |
300 points |
300 points |
200 points |
Final Exam |
200 points |
200 points |
200 points |
Total Points: |
800 points |
750 points |
700 points |
In all cases the scheme that gives you the highest grade will be used to compute your course average.
The standard 10-point scale will be used to assign letter grades, but the cut-offs may be lowered to arrive at a standard distribution for the course:
A: [90%,100%]; B: [80%, 90%); C: [70%,80%) ; D: [60%, 70%); F: [0, 60%).
Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures and recitation meetings. The student who misses a class meeting is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements made. There will be no opportunities for make-up tests or quizzes after the fact. In the event of an absence due to travel representing Georgia Tech, such as an intercollegiate sports competition, you must notify the professor at least two weeks in advance to arrange an early test or other alternative. Otherwise, such absences will be treated as personal. See above/below for the make-up exam/quiz policies.
Make-up Quizzes: Make-up quizzes are not allowed for any reason other than for reasons associated to institute activities including sports, which must be accompanied by an office institute letter of consideration, and for such instances students must request a make-up quiz to be administered at a time convenient to both myself and the student and not exceeding two weeks from the missed quiz. No other make-up quizzes are allowed for any reason, but the second grading scheme allows for a missed quiz to be dropped.
Learning Disabilities: It is the right of any student with a certified learning disability to request necessary accommodation. Such requests must be made well in advance of the time that the accommodation is required, ideally in the first or second week of class, and a letter of documentation from the ADAPTS office must be presented at the time of any request.
Academic Honesty: All graded material must be original work by the student. This policy pertains to graded quizzes, exams, as well as the homework which is graded by completion only. It is expected that all students are aware of their individual responsibilities under the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code, which will be strictly adhered to in this class. Any violations must be reported directly to the Dean of Students. (the honor code can be found at
Calculators: While it's not clear if you will ever need, in the strictest sense, a scientific calculator for any of the problems (I hardly ever use one), only a simple, non-graphing, non-programmable, non-scientific calculator (i.e., a “dollar store” calculator or two-line Texas Instruments calculator, like the TI30X) may be used on the in-class tests and quizzes. Basically, if you can graph, find the derivative, and/or integrate a function with your calculator it it is not allowed on quizzes or exams but may be used on homework.
Website: Course webpage (, or T-square (
Piazza: This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, the TA, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email Find our class page at: