Spring 2011
Instructor: Sal Barone
Office: Skiles 024,
Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11-12 and by
e-mail: sbarone at
Web Page:
Course Title: Finite Mathematics
Course Meeting Times:
Lecture, Klauss 1443, TR 9:30-10; Recitation, various locations, MW 9-10
Recitation meeting times: MW 9-10 - TA Office: Skiles 230 Your TAs for Math 1711 in the Spring 2014 term will be (*office hours): TA (D1) Ashley Bullard Skiles 154 (*M 1-2 Culc 280 & W 10-11 Skiles 153) TA (D2) Kayla McKenzie Skiles 156 (*M 12-1 Skiles 230) TA (D3) Alyssa Martinez Skiles 168 (*T 11-12 Skiles 230) TA (D4) Aileen Pollitzer Skiles 255 (*F 930-1030 Skiles 230) Students welcome at any TA office hours, not just for their TA
Text: Goldstein, Schneider, & Siegel, Finite Mathematics & Its Applications, 11th ed. MyMathLab is required and contains an electronic version of the textbook. You can purchase it separately, on-line, or packaged with the text (text is optional). We will cover chapters 2, 3, and 5-10. NOTE: To access the class page on MyMathLab, you need to register for the course “Math 1711, Spring 2014” with course ID “barone27612”.
Course Objectives: The course covers several topics beginnig with basic set theory and counting problems, continuing to probability and statistics, and finally basic matrix linear algebra with an aim towards motivating and exploring applications of these topics to linear programming, Markov chains, and problems in game theory.
Homework: Homework assignments will be required on-line using MyMathLab. On-line homework will be due twice weekly, typically on Monday and Wednesday evenings. No late homework will be accepted. Homework is generally due within one week of the corresponding lecture and homework assignments may be due the week before finals.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given weekly on Wednesday during recitation and will cover the concepts from the previous week.
Tests: There will be four midterm exams administered during recitation on the following days: Monday, January 27; Monday, February 17; Monday, March 10; Monday, April 7.
Final Exam: The final exam will cover all course materials and will be administered on the date assigned by the official school calendar.
Your final grade will be computed as follows:
Homework |
50 points |
Quizzes |
100 points |
Midterms |
400 points* |
Final Exam |
150 points |
Total Points: |
700 points |
*The lowest midterm grade will be replaced with the Final Exam average (out of 150 points), provided the final exam average is higher. No other midterm grades will be replaced and make-up midterms will not be allowed.
Progress report grades will be assigned on February 14. A satisfactory grade will be assigned to all students with a midterm average of 70% or higher (based on the above weighting of grades).
The standard 10-point scale will be used to assign letter grades, but the cut-offs may be lowered to arrive at a standard distribution for the course:
A: [90%,100%]; B: [80%, 90%); C: [70%,80%) ; D: [60%, 70%); F: [0, 60%).
Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures and recitation meetings. The student who misses a class meeting is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements made. There will be no opportunities for make-up tests or quizzes after the fact. In the event of an absence due to travel representing Georgia Tech, such as an intercollegiate sports competition, you must notify the professor at least two weeks in advance to arrange an early test or other alternative. Otherwise, such absences will be treated as personal. See above/below for the make-up exam/quiz policies.
Make-up Quizzes: Make-up quizzes are not allowed for any reason other than for reasons associated to institute activities including sports, which must be accompanied by an office institute letter of consideration, and for such instances students must request a make-up quiz to be administered at a time convenient to both myself and the student and not exceeding two weeks from the missed quiz. However, the two lowest quiz scores will be dropped.
Learning Disabilities: It is the right of any student with a certified learning disability to request necessary accommodation. Such requests must be made well in advance of the time that the accommodation is required, ideally in the first or second week of class, and a letter of documentation from the ADAPTS office must be presented at the time of any request.
Academic Honesty: It is expected that all students are aware of their individual responsibilities under the \href{}{Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code}, which will be strictly adhered to in this class. \textbf{Any violations must be reported directly to the Dean of Students. (the honor code can be found at
Calculators: While you may need a scientific calculator for help with some of the homework problems, only a simple, non-graphing, non-programmable, non-scientific calculator (i.e., a “dollar store” calculator or two-line Texas Instruments calculator, like the TI30X) may be used on the in-class tests.
Website: Course webpage (, MyMathLab (, or T-square (