MATH 2602 Homework #7-#12
Due Wednesday Oct 1 - Nov 5, covering the material of Exam 2 on Nov 5
- Homework 7 - Due Oct 1 [Barone-Kim-Celaya]
- Core : Book problems: Section 5.2 on page 167 problems 1b-1d, 3, 12a-12c, 20a-20b.
Section 5.3 on page 174 problems 2, 8, 13a.
Section 5.4 on page 181 problems 1a-1c.
- Supplementary: (a) For n≥0, give a recurrence relation for the number an of ways to fill a
2×n chessboard using non-overlapping *dimers*, or tiles of dimension 2×1.
For example, a4 = 5 since there are five such tilings (see picture)
You may assume a0 = 1.
(b) The sequence a0,a1,a2,... is a well-known sequence. What is it?
- Homework 8 - Due Oct 8 [Barone-Celaya-McKay]
- Core : Book problems:
Review exercises for Chapter 5, page 183 problems 25, 29.
Section 8.1 on page 252 problems 8, 9, 10, 13.
Section 8.2 on page 264 problems 1, 2, 4, 5, 7a-7b, 7d, 9.
- Homework 9 - Due Oct 15 [Barone-McKay-Rybka]
- Core : Book problems: Section 8.2 on page 264 problems 13b, 27a-27b.
Section 8.3 on page 275 problems 1b, 8, 10a-10b, 14.
Section 8.4 on page 279 problems 2c, 7a.
Chapter 8 review problems on page 280 problem 6.
- Supplementary None.
- Homework 10 - Due Oct 22 [Barone-Rybka-Kim]
- Core : Book problems: Section 9.1 on page 287 problems 2, 6, 7, 10.
Section 9.2 on page 294 problems 1, 2, 3, 5.
- Supplementary:
- Draw the following graph.
V={v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
E={v4v2, v1v3, v5v2, v5v3, v4v1}.
- Give an example of a proper graph on four vertices that is
- complete and planar,
- a tree (no loops nor isolated vertices),
- not complete with no loops (aka cycles),
- has exactly two edges and is planar,
- contains a (proper) loop.
For each graph, include the definition of the graph as a set of vertices and a set of edges and provide a model for the graph.
- How many graphs are there on four vertices? Prove your answer.
- Homework 11 - Due Oct 29 [Barone-Kim-Celaya]
- Core : Book problems: Section 9.2 on page 295 problems 14, 15a, 15b, 18a, 18d, 18e, 20b, 22b, 23a, 29.
Section 9.3 on page 299 problems 1, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c.
Also this problem :
Recall that a pseudograph is a weaker notion of graph were multiple edges and loops at a vertex are allowed.
We can define an isomorphism of pseudographs in the same way that we defined for graphs. Namely, an isomorphism is a map
on the vertex set which is a bijection and is edge preserving. What are the isomorphism classes of a pseudograph on
one vertex? on two vertices? In a pseudograph on n vertices, what degree sequences are possible?
- Supplementary: Let G denote the graph whose vertex set consists of all 2-element subsets
of {1,2,3,4,5}, two of which are joined by an edge if and only if they are
disjoint. For example, ({1,2},{3,4}) is an edge in G but ({1,2},{2,3}) is
not an edge in G.
Prove that G is isomorphic to the graph depicted below by finding a
suitable labeling of the vertices in the drawing with the vertices of G.
- Homework 12 - Due Nov 5 [Barone-Celaya-McKay]
- Core : Book problems: Section 10.1 on page 309 problems 1, 3, 4bf, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23.
Also this problem :
Show that the book's definition of connectedness agrees with the definition given in class. That is, show that the two definitions
below are logically equivalent.
Definition 1 (from class): A graph G=(V,E) is disconnected if there exist non-empty
subgraphs H1=(V1,E1) and H2=(V2,E2) such that V1 and V2
partition V and E1 and E2 partition E.
A graph is connected if it is not disconnected.
Definition 2 (from book): A graph G is connected if for any two vertices v,w there is a walk between v and w.
- Supplementary: TBD.
- Exam 2 Wednesday Nov 5 will cover material from Hw/Quiz 7-12.