%% Example 1: define a vector a = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5] % Defines a column vector a with entries 1,2,3,4,5. Entries in a column %vector are separated by a semicolon (;). space. Matlab treats "a" as a %column vector, which can also be thought of as a matrix with dimension 5x1. %An aside: to suppress the output of a line, end it with a ; (semicolon). %For example: a2 = [1 ; 3 ; 4] ; %assigns the variable a2 with this corresponding column vector, while the %semicolon suppresses output in the command window. %% Example 2: basic operations on vectors b = 2 * a %The line 2 * a returns the scalar multiplication of the vector a by the %scalar 2. The line "b = 2 * a" creates a new variable b (another 1x5 %matrix) with the entries of 2 * a. c = a + 2 %In the expression "a + 2", the value 2 is added to each entry of a. This %line then creates the new variable c (1x5) with entries a + 2. %% Example 3: %To create a matrix: enter rows as you would for vectors and demarcate the %end of a row with a semicolon ";". M = [0 1 2 ; 3 4 5 ; 6 7 8] %Matrix multiplication is handled with * (asterisk). For example, if v = [1 ; 3 ; 5] %is a 3x1 column vector, then the matrix product Av is given by M*v %Note that * is also used for scalar multiplication. MATLAB is smart and %automatically adjusts based on the dimensions of the variables. %% Example 4: %Matlab is really good at solving linear systems. To showcase this, we'll %use the \ (backslash) operator. First, define b = [1;3;5] %and A = [1 2 0; 2 5 -1; 4 10 -1] %To solve the linear system Ax = b, we assign x = A \ b %To show that Ax = b actually holds, we compute the remainder r = Ax - b as %follows: r = A*x-b %When you run this section, you'll see in the command window that the %columnn vector r is the 0 vector. This confirms that Ax = b, as desired. %(Note: once this section is run, the value assigned to the variable r is %listed in the right-hand window as well.) %% Example 5: %MATLAB is also computer algebra software, and can manipulate algebraic %equations. For example, you can use the "solve" command for exact %solutions to quadratic equations: syms z; solve(z^2 - 3 * z + 1 == 0) %Note that solutions are stored as the 2x1 vector "ans".