School of Mathematics
MA 1711 Finite Math Spring 2014
Lecture meeting times: TTh 930-11
Instructor: Sal Barone
Office: Skiles 024
Office hours: TTh 11 AM - 12 PM and by appointment
email: sbarone7 at
Recitation meeting times: MW 9-10 - TA Office: Skiles 230
Your TAs for Math 1711 in the Spring 2014 term will be (*office hours):
TA (D1) Ashley Bullard Skiles 154 (*M 1-2 Culc 280 & W 10-11 Skiles 153)
TA (D2) Kayla McKenzie Skiles 156 (*M 12-1 Skiles 230)
TA (D3) Alyssa Martinez Skiles 168 (*T 11-12 Skiles 230)
TA (D4) Aileen Pollitzer Skiles 255 (*F 10-11 Skiles 230)
Students welcome at any TA office hours, not just for their TA
Course documents
- Syllabus
- Course schedule
- Normal distribution Z-scores
- Instructions for getting on MyMathLab (use code barone76164),
- Quizzes
- Tests
Important dates
- January 6 First day of Spring semester
- January 10 Last day to register
- January 20 M.L.K. Jr. Day - No Class
- Monday, January 27 EXAM 1
- Monday, February 17* EXAM 2
- February 28 Last day to drop or withdraw with a grade of W
- Monday, March 10* EXAM 3
- March 13 Last day to withdraw from school with a grade of W
- March 17-21 Spring break - No Class
- Monday, April 7* EXAM 4
- April 25 Last day of classes
- Thursday, May 1 8:00AM-10:50AM Final Exam
*Dates marked with an * are approximate
Web links