School of Mathematics
MA 1711 Finite Math Summer 2020 Late Short Course
Lecture meeting times: MTWTh 12-2:40pm in BlueJeans
Instructor: Sal Barone
Office: physical: Skiles 013 online: BlueJeans
Office hours: MTWTh 2:40-3:20pm and by appointment
email: sbarone at
Studio meeting times: MTWTh 11am-12:15pm - TA Office: BlueJeans
TA (SF1) Shending Sun (Monday and Tuesday 4-5pm in BlueJeans)
Continuation Links for Online Instruction
- See Canvas Welcome page of 1711 SF for BlueJeans Event links and recording links - also linked in Canvas
- Office Hours at the usual time or send me an email/Discord message to schedule or to "knock on my door" - also linked in Canvas
- Lecture notes on OneNote - also linked in Canvas
- mrgencyXit Discord chat room
Course Documents
Old Material for Additional Practice
- Worksheets/Warmups
- Quizzes
- Tests
Tentative schedule of topics covered