Course Syllabus
Contains detailed information regarding grades, quiz/homework/exam policy, and tons of useful information. You should definitely read this!
We will use Canvas for posting grades and for
Piazza and WeBWorK integration. Please
login to both Piazza and WeBWorK as soon as possible, so that are able to submit homework assignments and receive any announcements made using Piazza.
Piazza discussion board is excellent for asking course related questions about homework, quizzes, or exams; e.g., want to know what's covered on the next quiz? Check the schedule! Still have a question? Don't email the professor or TA, just post on Piazza please.
You can access an electronic version of the textbook on MyMathLab (after
purchasing it).
Note that we will use WeBWorK and not MyMathLab for homework assignments in
this class.
Sal's Webpage
Good for finding lots of material from old classes, and many more important links.
Excellent YouTube video series for the Essence of Linear Algebra
Math Lab schedule
Not to be confused with MyMathLab, this is essentially a free walk-in
one-on-many tutoring service provided by the School of Mathematics, as
described on the resources page.