[GATech logo] School of Mathematics

MA 1554 Linear Algebra - Spring 2022

Lecture meeting times: Section J 2:00-2:50 in College of Computing room 16, or Streamed/Recorded in MS Teams (Link in Canvas).
Instructor: Sal Barone
Office: Skiles 013 and https://bluejeans.com/7225404332
Office hours: M 12pm and Tu 11am (and by appointment, email me) - all office hours are in-person, or virtual/streamed/recorded by request.
email: sbarone7 at math.gatech.edu

Links for Online Instruction

Course Documents

MATLAB Materials

Blank Lecture Notes

Supplementary Material

Midterm Review Material

Unofficial Review Material from Fall 2019

Unofficial Supplementary Documents

Important dates

Studio Meeting Times

CRN COURSE Section Instructor(s) Days Time (start) Time (end) Building Room
28626 1554 J Barone, Salvador M   W   F 1400 1450 College of Computingo 16
25297 1554 J01 Jin, Tong T   R 1530 1620 Skiles 156
25298 1554 J02 Hettle, Cyrus T   R 1530 1620 Skiles 168
25299 1554 J03 Jin, Tong T   R 1700 1750 Skiles 156
25760 1554 J04 Komatsuzaki, Aran T   R 1700 1750 Skiles 168
32724 1554 J05 Komatsuzaki, Aran T   R 1530 1620 Skiles 270

Web links